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top 16 wcq oceania

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ale93mr View Drop Down
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Iscritto dal : 09 Dicembre 2009
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Posts: 220
  Quota ale93mr Quota  RispondiRispondi Link diretto a questo post Topic: top 16 wcq oceania
    Postato: 19 Luglio 2012 alle 11:26
Oliver Parle - Chaos Dragons

First Place

Monsters (32)      
1x Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginning
2x Card Trooper
2x Chaos Sorcerer
1x Dark Armed Dragon
2x Darkflare Dragon
2x Eclipse Wyvern
3x Effect Veiler
1x Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
1x Jain, Lightsworn Paladin
3x Lightpulsar Dragon
3x Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress
3x Maxx “C”
2x Red-Eyess Darkness Metal Dragon
2x Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
1x Sangan
3x Tour Guide from the Underworld

Spells (9)
1x Allure of Darkness
1x Charge of the Light Brigade
1x Dark Hole
1x Future Fusion
1x Heavy Storm
1x Monster Reborn
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
2x Solar Recharge

Traps (0)

Side Deck (15)
1x Catapult Turtle
2x Electric Virus
2x Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
1x Victoria
2x Forbidden Chalice
2x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Soul Taker
2x Royal Decree
2x Safe Zone

Extra Deck (15)
1x Five-Headed Dragon
1x Black Rose Dragon
1x Blood Mefist
1x Scrap Dragon
1x Adreus, Keeper of Armageddon
1x Gaia Dragon, the Thunder Charger
1x Hieratic Dragon King of Atum
1x Inzektor Exa-Beetle
1x Leviair the Sea Dragon
1x Muzurhythm the String Djinn
1x Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
1x Photon Strike Bounzer
1x Queen Dragon Djinn
1x Temtempo the Percussion Djinn
1x Wind Up Zenmaines

Jono Ritzau - Dino-Rabbit

Second Place

Monsters (22)      
3x Kabazauls
3x Sabersaurus
2x Effect Veiler
3x Jurrac Guaiba
2x Maxx "C"
3x Rescue Rabbit
1x Sangan
2x Spirit Reaper
3x Tour Guide from the Underworld

Spells (10)
1x Book of Moon
1x Dark Hole
2x Forbidden Lance
1x Heavy Storm
1x Monster Reborn
3x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Pot of Avarice

Traps (10)
2x Bottomless Trap Hole
2x Dimensional Prison
1x Solemn Judgment
2x Solemn Warning
1x Starlight Road
2x Torrential Tribute

Side Deck (15)
1x Effect Veiler
3x Snowman Eater
2x Forbidden Chalice
2x Level Limit - Area B
1x Mind Control
1x Soul Taker
1x Dimensional Prison
1x Dust Tornado
3x Macro Cosmos

Extra Deck (15)
1x Stardust Dragon
2x Evolzar Dolkka
2x Evolzar Laggia
1x Gem-Knight Pearl
2x Leviair the Sea Dragon
1x Maestroke the Symphony Djinn
1x Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
1x Number 39: Utopia
1x Photon Papolloperative
1x Steelswarm Roach
1x Temtempo the Percussion Djinn
1x Wind Up Zenmaines

Ryan Maclean - Dino-Rabbit     

Third Place

Monsters (22)      
3x Kabazauls
3x Sabersaurus
2x Effect Veiler
3x Jurrac Guaiba
2x Maxx "C"
3x Rescue Rabbit
1x Sangan
2x Spirit Reaper
3x Tour Guide from the Underworld

Spells (10)
1x Book of Moon
1x Dark Hole
2x Forbidden Lance
1x Heavy Storm
1x Monster Reborn
3x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Pot of Avarice

Traps (10)
2x Bottomless Trap Hole
2x Dimensional Prison
1x Solemn Judgment
2x Solemn Warning
1x Starlight Road
2x Torrential Tribute

Side Deck (15)
1x Effect Veiler
2x Snowman Eater
1x Spirit Reaper
2x Forbidden Chalice
2x Level Limit - Area B
1x Mind Control
1x Soul Taker
1x Dimensional Prison
1x Dust Tornado
3x Macro Cosmos

Extra Deck (15)
1x Stardust Dragon
2x Evolzar Dolkka
2x Evolzar Laggia
1x Gem-Knight Pearl
1x Leviair the Sea Dragon
1x Maestroke the Symphony Djinn
1x Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
1x Number 39: Utopia
1x Number C39: Utopia Ray
1x Photon Papolloperative
1x Steelswarm Roach
1x Temtempo the Percussion Djinn
1x Wind Up Zenmaines

Jack Huo - Chaos Dragons

Fourth Place

Monsters (30)      
1x Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginning
1x Card Trooper
2x Chaos Sorcerer
1x D.D. Crow
1x Dark Armed Dragon
2x Darkflare Dragon
1x Doomcaliber Knight
2x Eclipse Wyvern
3x Effect Veiler
1x Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
1x Jain, Lightsworn Paladin
3x Lightpulsar Dragon
3x Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress
2x Red-Eyess Darkness Metal Dragon
2x Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
1x Sangan
3x Tour Guide from the Underworld

Spells (10)
1x Allure of Darkness
1x Charge of the Light Brigade
1x Dark Hole
1x Future Fusion
1x Heavy Storm
1x Monster Reborn
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
3x Solar Recharge

Traps (0)

Side Deck (15)
1x Catapult Turtle
1x Chaos Sorcerer
1x D.D. Crow
2x Electric Virus
2x Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
2x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Soul Taker
2x Dimensional Prison
3x Royal Decree

Extra Deck (15)
1x Five-Headed Dragon
1x Ancient Sacred Wyvern
1x Black Rose Dragon
1x Colossal Fighter
1x Scrap Dragon
1x Adreus, Keeper of Armageddon
1x Gaia Dragon, the Thunder Charger
1x Inzektor Exa-Beetle
1x Leviair the Sea Dragon
1x Muzurhythm the String Djinn
1x Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
1x Photon Strike Bounzer
1x Queen Dragon Djinn
1x Temtempo the Percussion Djinn
1x Wind Up Zenmaines

Kye Baker - HERO's

Top 8

Monsters (13)      
2x Beast King Barbaros
3x Effect Veiler
3x Elemental Hero Neos Alius
1x Elemental Hero Stratos
1x Honest
3x Thunder King Rai-Oh

Spells (16)
1x Book of Moon
1x Dark Hole
2x E - Emergency Call
3x Gemini Spark
1x Heavy Storm
3x Miracle Fusion
1x Monster Reborn
3x Pot of Duality
1x Reinforcement of the Army

Traps (12)
2x Compulsory Evacuation Device
3x Hero Blast
2x Skill Drain
1x Solemn Judgment
2x Solemn Warning
2x Torrential Tribute

Side Deck (15)
3x Maxx "C"
3x Snowman Eater
3x Mystical Space Typhoon
2x Super Polymerization
2x Bottomless Trap Hole
2x Dimensional Prison

Extra Deck (15)
2x Elemental Hero Absolute Zero
1x Elemental Hero Gaia
1x Elemental Hero Great Tornado
1x Elemental Hero Nova Master
3x Elemental Hero The Shining
1x Blade Armor Ninja
1x Maestroke the Symphony Djinn
1x Number 39: Utopia
1x Number C39: Utopia Ray
1x Photon Papolloperative
1x Temtempo the Percussion Djinn
1x Wind-Up Zenmaines

Marcus Wheeler - Dino-Rabbit

Top 8

Monsters (22)      
3x Kabazauls
3x Sabersaurus
2x Effect Veiler
3x Jurrac Guaiba
2x Maxx "C"
3x Rescue Rabbit
1x Sangan
2x Spirit Reaper
3x Tour Guide from the Underworld

Spells (10)
1x Book of Moon
1x Dark Hole
2x Forbidden Lance
1x Heavy Storm
1x Monster Reborn
3x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Pot of Avarice

Traps (10)
2x Bottomless Trap Hole
2x Dimensional Prison
1x Solemn Judgment
2x Solemn Warning
1x Starlight Road
2x Torrential Tribute

Side Deck (15)
1x Effect Veiler
3x Snowman Eater
2x Forbidden Chalice
2x Level Limit - Area B
1x Mind Control
1x Soul Taker
1x Dimensional Prison
1x Dust Tornado
3x Macro Cosmos

Extra Deck (15)
1x Stardust Dragon
2x Evolzar Dolkka
2x Evolzar Laggia
1x Gem-Knight Pearl
1x Leviair the Sea Dragon
1x Maestroke the Symphony Djinn
1x Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
1x Number 39: Utopia
1x Number C39: Utopia Ray
1x Photon Papolloperative
1x Steelswarm Roach
1x Temtempo the Percussion Djinn
1x Wind Up Zenmaines

Andrew Linou - Wind-Up

Top 8

Monsters (22)      
2x Effect Veiler
1x Gorz, the Emissary of Darkness
2x Maxx "C"
1x Sangan
1x Snowman Eater
3x Spirit Reaper
3x Tour Guide of the Underworld
1x Wind-Up Hunter
2x Wind-Up Rabbit
3x Wind-Up Rat
3x Wind-Up Shark

Spells (9)
1x Book of Moon
1x Dark Hole
1x Heavy Storm
1x Mind Control
1x Monster Reborn
2x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Pot of Avarice
1x Soul Taker

Traps (9)
2x Bottomless Trap Hole
1x Dimensional Prison
1x Mirror Force
1x Solemn Judgment
2x Solemn Warning
2x Torrential Tribute

Side Deck (15)
1x Effect Veiler
1x Snowman Eater
3x Dimensional Fissure
1x Nobleman of Crossout
1x Soul Taker
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Forbidden Chalice
1x Black Horn of Heaven
2x Dimensional Prison
2x Dust Tornado
1x Leeching the Light

Extra Deck (15)
1x Adreus, Keeper of Armageddon
1x Leviair the Sea Dragon
1x Maestroke the Symphony Djinn
1x Muzurhythm the String Djinn
1x Number 17: Leviathan
1x Number 20: Giga-Brilliant
1x Number 39: Utopia
1x Steelswarm Roach
1x Temtempo the Percussion Djinn
1x Tiras, Keeper of Genesis
3x Wind-Up Carrier Zenmaity
1x Wind-Up Zenmaines
1x Wind-Up Zenmaioh

Sam Howell - Dino-Rabbit

Top 8

Monsters (21)      
3x Kabazauls
3x Sabersaurus

3x Effect Veiler
1x Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo
1x Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
1x Maxx "C"
3x Rescue Rabbit
1x Sangan
2x Spirit Reaper
3x Tour Guide from the Underworld

Spells (9)
1x Dark Hole
2x Forbidden Lance
1x Heavy Storm
1x Monster Reborn
3x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Pot of Avarice

Traps (12)
2x Bottomless Trap Hole
1x Compulsory Evacuation Device
2x Dimensional Prison
1x Mirror Force
1x Solemn Judgment
2x Solemn Warning
1x Starlight Road
2x Torrential Tribute

Side Deck (15)
1x D.D. Crow
3x Snowman Eater
2x Forbidden Chalice
1x Level Limit - Area B
2x Smashing Ground
1x Dust Tornado
3x Macro Cosmos
2x Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror

Extra Deck (15)
1x Stardust Dragon
2x Evolzar Dolkka
2x Evolzar Laggia
1x Gem-Knight Pearl
2x Leviair the Sea Dragon
1x Maestroke the Symphony Djinn
1x Muzurhythm the String Djinn
1x Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
1x Number 39: Utopia
1x Photon Papolloperative
1x Temtempo the Percussion Djinn
1x Wind Up Zenmaines

Johnathan Heng - Inzektor

Top 16

Monsters (21)      
1x Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning
1x Dark Armed Dragon
3x Effect Veiler
1x Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
3x Inzektor Centipede
3x Inzektor Dragonfly
1x Inzektor Giga-Mantis
1x Inzektor Hopper
3x Inzektor Hornet
1x Inzektor Ladybug
2x Maxx "C"
1x Sangan

Spells (13)
1x Allure of Darkness
1x Dark Hole
1x Foolish Burial
1x Heavy Storm
2x Inzektor Sword - Zektkaliber
1x Mind Control
1x Monster Reborn
3x Mystical Space Typhoon
2x Pot of Duality

Traps (6)
1x Bottomless Trap Hole
1x Chain Disappearance
1x Mirror Force
2x Solemn Warning
1x Threatening Roar

Side Deck (15)
2x D.D. Crow
2x Spirit Reaper
1x Burial from the Different Dimension
2x Dimensional Fissure
1x Soul Release
1x Bottomless Trap Hole
1x Chain Disappearance
2x Magic Cylinder
2x Royal Decree
1x Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck (15)
1x Armory Arm
1x Stardust Dragon
1x Adreus, Keeper of Armageddon
1x Gaia Dragon, the Thunder Charger
1x Leviair the Sea Dragon
1x Number 12: Crimson Shadow Armor Ninja
1x Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
1x Number 39: Utopia
1x Photon Strike Bounzer
1x Steelswarm Roach
1x Temtempo the Percussion Djinn
1x Tiras, Keeper of Genesis
2x Wind Up Zenmaines
1x Wind-Up Zenmaioh

Hyunchul Kim - Chaos Dragons

Top 16

Monsters (30)      
1x Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginning
2x Chaos Sorcerer
1x Dark Armed Dragon
2x Darkflare Dragon
2x Eclipse Wyvern
3x Effect Veiler
1x Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
1x Honest
1x Jain, Lightsworn Paladin
3x Lightpulsar Dragon
3x Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress
2x Maxx “C”
2x Red-Eyess Darkness Metal Dragon
2x Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
1x Sangan
3x Tour Guide from the Underworld

Spells (10)
1x Allure of Darkness
1x Card Destruction
1x Charge of the Light Brigade
1x Dark Hole
1x Future Fusion
1x Heavy Storm
1x Monster Reborn
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
2x Solar Recharge

Traps (0)

Side Deck (15)
1x Catapult Turtle
2x D.D. Crow
1x Electric Virus
1x Vanity's Fiend
2x Forbidden Chalice
2x Mystical Space Typhoon
2x Soul Taker
2x Compulsory Evacuation Device
2x Royal Decree

Extra Deck (15)
1x Five-Headed Dragon
1x Ancient Sacred Wyvern
1x Black Rose Dragon
1x Scrap Dragon
1x Adreus, Keeper of Armageddon
1x Gaia Dragon, the Thunder Charger
1x Inzektor Exa-Beetle
1x Leviair the Sea Dragon
1x Muzurhythm the String Djinn
1x Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
1x Number 20: Giga-Brilliant
1x Photon Strike Bounzer
1x Queen Dragon Djinn
1x Temtempo the Percussion Djinn
1x Wind Up Zenmaines

David Daritan - Chaos Dragons

Top 16

Monsters (31)      
1x Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginning
2x Card Trooper
2x Chaos Sorcerer
1x Dark Armed Dragon
2x Darkflare Dragon
2x Eclipse Wyvern
2x Effect Veiler
1x Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
3x Lightpulsar Dragon
3x Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress
2x Maxx “C”
2x Red-Eyess Darkness Metal Dragon
2x Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
1x Sangan
3x Tour Guide from the Underworld
2x Tragoedia

Spells (8)
1x Allure of Darkness
1x Charge of the Light Brigade
1x Dark Hole
1x Future Fusion
1x Heavy Storm
1x Monster Reborn
2x Solar Recharge

Traps (1)
1x Treachorous Trap Hole

Side Deck (15)
2x Breaker the Magical Warrior
1x Effect Veiler
1x Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
2x Light and Darkness Dragon
1x Victoria
1x Mind Control
3x Mystical Space Typhoon
2x Soul Taker
2x Royal Decree

Extra Deck (15)
1x Five-Headed Dragon
1x Ally of Justice Catastor
1x Ancient Sacred Wyvern
1x Armory Arm
1x Scrap Dragon
1x Gaia Dragon, the Thunder Charger
1x Inzektor Exa-Beetle
1x Leviair the Sea Dragon
1x Muzurhythm the String Djinn
1x Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
1x Photon Strike Bounzer
1x Queen Dragon Djinn
1x Steelswarm Roach
1x Temtempo the Percussion Djinn
1x Wind Up Zenmaines

Bodan Temnyk - Dino-Rabbit

Top 16

Monsters (22)      
3x Kabazauls
3x Sabersaurus
2x Effect Veiler
3x Jurrac Guaiba
2x Maxx "C"
3x Rescue Rabbit
1x Sangan
2x Spirit Reaper
3x Tour Guide from the Underworld

Spells (10)
1x Book of Moon
1x Dark Hole
2x Forbidden Lance
1x Heavy Storm
1x Monster Reborn
3x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Pot of Avarice

Traps (10)
2x Bottomless Trap Hole
2x Dimensional Prison
1x Solemn Judgment
2x Solemn Warning
1x Starlight Road
2x Torrential Tribute

Side Deck (15)
1x Effect Veiler
2x Snowman Eater
1x Spirit Reaper
2x Forbidden Chalice
2x Level Limit - Area B
1x Mind Control
1x Soul Taker
1x Dimensional Prison
1x Dust Tornado
3x Macro Cosmos

Extra Deck (15)
1x Stardust Dragon
2x Evolzar Dolkka
2x Evolzar Laggia
1x Gem-Knight Pearl
1x Leviair the Sea Dragon
1x Maestroke the Symphony Djinn
1x Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
1x Number 39: Utopia
1x Number C39: Utopia Ray
1x Photon Papolloperative
1x Steelswarm Roach
1x Temtempo the Percussion Djinn
1x Wind Up Zenmaines

David Chapa - Dino-Rabbit

Top 16

Monsters (20)      
3x Kabazauls
3x Sabersaurus
3x Effect Veiler
3x Jurrac Guaiba
1x Jurrac Velo
3x Rescue Rabbit
1x Sangan
3x Tour Guide from the Underworld

Spells (13)
1x Dark Hole
2x Forbidden Chalice
3x Forbidden Lance
1x Heavy Storm
1x Monster Reborn
2x Night Beam
1x Pot of Avarice
2x Soul Taker

Traps (7)
3x Compulsory Evacuation Device
1x Mirror Force
1x Solemn Judgment
2x Solemn Warning

Side Deck (15)
2x Doomcaliber Knight
2x Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo
2x Thunder King Rai-Oh
2x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Soul Taker
2x Bottomless Trap Hole
2x Dark Bribe
2x Macro Cosmos

Extra Deck (15)
1x Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
2x Evolzar Dolkka
2x Evolzar Laggia
1x Gem-Knight Pearl
2x Leviair the Sea Dragon
1x Maestroke the Symphony Djinn
1x Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
1x Number 20: Giga-Brilliant
1x Number 39: Utopia
1x Number C39: Utopia Ray
1x Temtempo the Percussion Djinn
1x Wind Up Zenmaines

Jackson Sporado - Wind-up

Top 16

Monsters (20)      
3x Effect Veiler
1x Maxx "C"
1x Sangan
3x Tour Guide of the Underworld
1x Wind-Up Hunter
2x Wind-Up Magician
3x Wind-Up Rabbit
3x Wind-Up Rat
3x Wind-Up Shark

Spells (12)
1x Book of Moon
1x Dark Hole
1x Heavy Storm
1x Monster Reborn
3x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Pot of Avarice
2x Soul Taker
2x Wind-Up Factory

Traps (9)
2x Bottomless Trap Hole
2x Dimensional Prison
1x Solemn Judgment
2x Solemn Warning
2x Torrential Tribute

Side Deck (15)
2x Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
2x Maxx "C"
3x Snowman Eater
2x Dimensional Fissure
1x Dimensional Prison
2x Dust Tornado
3x Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror

Extra Deck (15)
1x Adreus, Keeper of Armageddon
1x Gem-Knight Pearl
1x Leviair the Sea Dragon
1x Maestroke the Symphony Djinn
1x Muzurhythm the String Djinn
2x Number 17: Leviathan
1x Steelswarm Roach
1x Temtempo the Percussion Djinn
1x Tiras, Keeper of Genesis
3x Wind-Up Carrier Zenmaity
1x Wind-Up Zenmaines
1x Wind-Up Zenmaioh

Samuel Amato - Dino-Rabbit

Top 16

Monsters (20)      
3x Kabazauls
3x Sabersaurus
2x Cardcar D
3x Effect Veiler
1x Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
1x Maxx "C"
3x Rescue Rabbit
1x Sangan
3x Tour Guide from the Underworld

Spells (11)
1x Book of Moon
1x Dark Hole
2x Forbidden Lance
1x Heavy Storm
1x Mind Control
1x Monster Reborn
3x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Pot of Avarice

Traps (9)
1x Mirror Force
2x Safe Zone
1x Solemn Judgment
2x Solemn Warning
1x Starlight Road
2x Torrential Tribute

Side Deck (15)
2x Jinzo
3x Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
2x Snowman Eater
2x Maxx "C"
1x Chain Disappearance
2x Dimensional Prison
3x Macro Cosmos

Extra Deck (15)
1x Stardust Dragon
2x Evolzar Dolkka
2x Evolzar Laggia
1x Gem-Knight Pearl
2x Leviair the Sea Dragon
1x Maestroke the Symphony Djinn
1x Muzurhythm the String Djinn
1x Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
1x Number 39: Utopia
1x Photon Papolloperative
1x Steelswarm Roach
1x Wind Up Zenmaines

Charlie Huang - Wind-up

Top 16

Monsters (21)      
2x Effect Veiler
1x Maxx "C"
1x Sangan
1x Snowman Eater
1x Spirit Reaper
3x Tour Guide of the Underworld
1x Wind-Up Hunter
2x Wind-Up Magician
3x Wind-Up Rabbit
3x Wind-Up Rat
3x Wind-Up Shark

Spells (10)
1x Book of Moon
1x Dark Hole
1x Heavy Storm
1x Monster Reborn
3x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Pot of Avarice
1x Soul Taker
1x Wind-Up Factory

Traps (9)
2x Bottomless Trap Hole
2x Fiendish Chain
1x Solemn Judgment
2x Solemn Warning
2x Torrential Tribute

Side Deck (15)
2x King Tiger Wanghu
3x T.G. Rush Rhino
3x T.G. Warwolf
2x Dimensional Fissure
1x Skill Drain
1x Dimensional Prison
3x Horn of the Phantom Beast

Extra Deck (15)
1x Ally of Justice Catastor
1x Adreus, Keeper of Armageddon
1x Leviair the Sea Dragon
1x Maestroke the Symphony Djinn
1x Muzurhythm the String Djinn
1x Number 17: Leviathan
1x Number 20: Giga-Brilliant
1x Number 39: Utopia
1x Steelswarm Roach
1x Temtempo the Percussion Djinn
1x Tiras, Keeper of Genesis
3x Wind-Up Carrier Zenmaity
1x Wind-Up Zenmaines

da notare catapult turtle nel side di alcuni draghi XD
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SubZero View Drop Down
Drago Bianco Occhi Blu
Drago Bianco Occhi Blu

Iscritto dal : 22 Agosto 2005
Da: Italy
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  Quota SubZero Quota  RispondiRispondi Link diretto a questo post Postato: 19 Luglio 2012 alle 11:29
Se non fosse che perde il timing sarebbe otk xD
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Brukido84 View Drop Down
*** Panda Team ***

Iscritto dal : 09 Maggio 2006
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  Quota Brukido84 Quota  RispondiRispondi Link diretto a questo post Postato: 19 Luglio 2012 alle 12:29
ammazza che varietà di mazzi XD
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Panda90 View Drop Down

***Panda Team***

Iscritto dal : 15 Marzo 2006
Da: Italy
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  Quota Panda90 Quota  RispondiRispondi Link diretto a questo post Postato: 19 Luglio 2012 alle 13:32
Catapult turtle... mi viene da ridere... mi sembra di essere tornato ai tempi dei biscottini lol
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|Dice-Lord| View Drop Down
Mago Nero
Mago Nero
Scanna SPH Team

Iscritto dal : 30 Agosto 2004
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  Quota |Dice-Lord| Quota  RispondiRispondi Link diretto a questo post Postato: 19 Luglio 2012 alle 13:51
Postato originariamente da SubZero

Se non fosse che perde il timing sarebbe otk xD

in che senso perde il timing? non può quando entra tributare per fare danno?

Modificato da |Dice-Lord| - 19 Luglio 2012 alle 13:52
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ale93mr View Drop Down
Stregone del Tempo
Stregone del Tempo

Iscritto dal : 09 Dicembre 2009
Status: Offline
Posts: 220
  Quota ale93mr Quota  RispondiRispondi Link diretto a questo post Postato: 19 Luglio 2012 alle 14:07
Postato originariamente da |Dice-Lord|

Postato originariamente da SubZero

Se non fosse che perde il timing sarebbe otk xD

in che senso perde il timing? non può quando entra tributare per fare danno?

tributare è costo
mandi pulsar ke si dovrebbe attivare ma ce un altra azione in corso(ovvero infliggere il danno) perciò perde il timing
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toondragoal View Drop Down
Drago Bianco Occhi Blu
Drago Bianco Occhi Blu

Iscritto dal : 20 Maggio 2005
Da: Modena
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  Quota toondragoal Quota  RispondiRispondi Link diretto a questo post Postato: 19 Luglio 2012 alle 14:17
Monsters (22)       
2x Effect Veiler
1x Gorz, the Emissary of Darkness
2x Maxx "C"
1x Sangan
1x Snowman Eater
3x Spirit Reaper
3x Tour Guide of the Underworld
1x Wind-Up Hunter
2x Wind-Up Rabbit
3x Wind-Up Rat
3x Wind-Up Shark

Spells (9)
1x Book of Moon
1x Dark Hole
1x Heavy Storm
1x Mind Control
1x Monster Reborn
2x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Pot of Avarice
1x Soul Taker

Traps (9)
2x Bottomless Trap Hole
1x Dimensional Prison
1x Mirror Force
1x Solemn Judgment
2x Solemn Warning
2x Torrential Tribute

Side Deck (15)
1x Effect Veiler
1x Snowman Eater
3x Dimensional Fissure
1x Nobleman of Crossout
1x Soul Taker
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Forbidden Chalice
1x Black Horn of Heaven
2x Dimensional Prison
2x Dust Tornado
1x Leeching the Light

e questo sarebbe un wind up?
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SubZero View Drop Down
Drago Bianco Occhi Blu
Drago Bianco Occhi Blu

Iscritto dal : 22 Agosto 2005
Da: Italy
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  Quota SubZero Quota  RispondiRispondi Link diretto a questo post Postato: 19 Luglio 2012 alle 14:21
Postato originariamente da |Dice-Lord|

Postato originariamente da SubZero

Se non fosse che perde il timing sarebbe otk xD

in che senso perde il timing? non può quando entra tributare per fare danno?

Tributi pulsar, muore prende red eyes, ritira su pulsar, rispari riprendi red eyes...sarebbe stato bello eh? :D
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Blitztidusx View Drop Down
Drago Nero Occhi Rossi
Drago Nero Occhi Rossi

Iscritto dal : 11 Febbraio 2009
Da: Italy
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  Quota Blitztidusx Quota  RispondiRispondi Link diretto a questo post Postato: 19 Luglio 2012 alle 14:48
no che non sarebbe stato bello!
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mattygt View Drop Down
Drago Bianco Occhi Blu
Drago Bianco Occhi Blu

Iscritto dal : 15 Giugno 2006
Da: Japan
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Posts: 11170
  Quota mattygt Quota  RispondiRispondi Link diretto a questo post Postato: 19 Luglio 2012 alle 15:00
appunto XD vince già così, direi che va bene.
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